OFFICIAL Peraturan Forum Teknisi Indonesia

Discussion in 'Info Dan Pengumuman' started by admin, Feb 2, 2014.

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  1. admin

    admin Staff Member ADMIN

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    Supaya anda nyaman berkontribusi di forum ini berikut adalah Tata Tertib yg harus di perhatikan :

    1. Hormatilah sesama member komunitas.

    2. Hindari penggunaan kata kata kotor / menyerang / merendahkan atau semacamnya yang dapat memancing keributan.

    3. Jangan memposting hal-hal yang bersifat porno / sex, baik gambar, link, atau apapun yang bersifat SARA, Pornografi, atau hal yang negatif.

    4. Topik yang anda posting harus sesuai degan ruang diskusi yang anda ikuti.

    5. Gunakan Fungsi search di forum ini sebelum posting.

    6. Hindari posting [ask atau reply ] dengan isi kalimat/kata yg sangat pendek.

    7. Bila ingin posting image , set sebagai thumbnail di hosting image favorit anda .

    8. Gunakan fungsi preview sebelum submit postingan anda bila ragu dgn redaksional anda sendiri.

    9. Buat Judul [Ask] Jika ingin bertanya dan [Req] Jika ingin request skema.

    10. Semua isi posting yang ada di dalam forum merupakan atau menjadi tanggung jawab masing masing.

    11. Apabila ada hal yang kurang dimengerti atau dipahami mengenai Tata Tertib Komunikasi atau mengenai Forum, Silahkan menghubungi Para Staff atau Moderator yang ada.

    12. Apabila Request skema atau bios Harap mencantumkan kodeboard. Jika tidak mencantumkan kodeboard maka kami tidak akan melayaninya.

    13. Dilarang menggunakan Capslock (Huruf Besar semua) Dalam Postingan atau reply. Kesannya gimanaaa gt..!!

    14. Dilarang Keras mendownload Secara membabi Buta..Silahkan ambil yang di Perlukan Dan Pergunakan Tapi Jangan Sekaligus ambil Terus kabur.. Hukuman Banned Permanen :army

    English rules :

    So that you are comfortable contributing in this forum following are Rules that need to be noticed:
    1 Respect fellow community members.
    2 Avoid using dirty words / strike / degrading or anything like that may provoke trouble.
    3 Do not post things that are porn / sex, good pictures, links, or anything that is SARA, pornography, or anything negative.
    4. topics you post must conform degan discussion space that you follow.
    5 Use the search function on this forum before posting.
    6 Avoid posting [ask or reply] with the contents of the sentence / word that is very short.
    7 If you want to post the image, set as thumbnails in your favorite image hosting.
    8 Use preview function before submit your post when in doubt with your own editorial.
    9 Make Title [Ask] If you want to ask and [REQ] If you want to request scheme.
    10 All the contents of an existing post in the forum or be the responsibility of each individual.
    11. If there is less understood or understood about Communication Rules or the Forum, please contact the Staff or Moderators are there.
    12. If the scheme or bios Request Please include codeboard. If not listed codeboard then we will not serve it.
    13. Prohibited use Capslock (all uppercase) In a posting or reply.
    14. Dont Be Leech Here..Please Use But Do not take Continues Simultaneously blurred .. Permanently Banned Punishment.
    Last edited: Oct 12, 2014
    don313, asal37773, studioc81 and 8 others like this.
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